Prof. Marie Padberg DDSROOTS WORLMrs. Eulalia Kautzer IVD PRO editable MuGuy JenkinsLacey Bahringer Jr.lti-LayDestin Bauchered Destini Kuphal IIVector Maps DVD sofAdriel RatketwareIvah Bergstrom II
Included in the database are maps of the entire world, large states, and surrounding areas, as well as country-specific data for all 196 countries, all in white maps.
Contents [Total number of items: 5,304]
Adobe Illustrator format: 2,652 items (English version 1,326 items / Japanese version 1,326 items)
JPEG format: 2,652 items (1,326 in English/ 1,326 in Japanese)]*Only 350dpi images are included.