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The ultimate guide for setting up your LLC the easy way PLUS the essential handbook for enjoying the tax benefits of an S-Corp

Starting an LLC or being classified as an S-Corp offers a wide range of benefits to business owners, such as liability protection and tax advantages, but unfortunately, the process can be tricky. From the intimidating paperwork and legal jargon to the confusing requirements, it’s easy to get overwhelmed – and worst of all, it’s easy to get things wrong.

This 2-in-1 bundle includes:

  • LLC Beginner's Guide: The Most Complete and Easy-to-Follow Handbook on How to Form, Manage and Maintain Your Limited Liability Company

  • S-Corporation Beginner's Guide: The Most Complete and Easy-to-Follow Handbook on How to Form, Manage and Save on Taxes as a Small Business Owner

In these fully updated guides, you’ll discover:

  • Complete and easy-to-understand instructions for how to draft and file the ESSENTIAL documentation that protects you against personal liabilities. (These agreements are CRITICAL to safeguarding your personal assets!)
  • The pros and cons of each type of LLC, so you know EXACTLY which one offers the best benefits for your business.
  • The 7 FOOLPROOF steps to forming, managing, and succeeding with your S-Corp (Following these 7 steps to a tee is crucial — if you don’t, you might get into some nasty legal troubles)
  • Accounting strategies to take charge of your LLC’s financial records and start bookkeeping like a seasoned pro.
  • Detailed, up-to-date breakdown of how to prepare and file the articles of organization. (Make sure you meet these requirements before you file this important legal document!)
  • How your S-Corp can potentially break into the $45 billion dollar government contract cash pool (most businesses don’t even consider the government a potential customer)
  • Detailed, up-to-date breakdown of how to prepare and file the articles of organization. (Make sure you meet these requirements before you file this important legal document!)
  • Essential tips for choosing which state to register your LLC in. (The wrong choice could make a HUGE difference to the filing process, fees, taxes, and more!)
  • What every business owner NEEDS to know about filing taxes with an LLC.
  • The 25 point checklist to follow after reading the book — To set up your S-Corp the easy way, just follow the checklist, and do as the book tells you.
  • Learn why 55% of businesses fail in the first 5 years, and how you can set up your S-Corp and entrepreneurial mind to thrive for DECADES to come.
  • The most common mistakes that business owners make when starting and managing an LLC and how to AVOID them at all costs. (Follow these expert tips to save yourself precious time AND money!)

… and much, much more

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